Thursday, January 31, 2002

Friday Out

Well, this is the last "Friday out" - next Friday, we'll all be cramming, Saturday morning is the final exam, and Sunday (9 days from today), you'll hopefully be hearing from a new yoga teacher. Last Sunday, I had my first experience of teaching a yoga class - the fact that I was a nervous wreck and did a pretty lousy job in general, is consoled only by the fact that most of the other people were pretty much the same. I'm getting another chance to make things right this Sunday (day after tomorrow). Would you believe it, I am seriously starting to think about actually doing this part time...

A few days ago, while we were down by the lake for our afternoon session of bending and stretching, the heavens opened and the rain started pouring. Actually, this happened while we were busy doing the "sun salutation", which involves a lot of stretching up to the sky and bending down to the ground. Evidently, someone up there got his signals mixed (I don't know if there is any such thing as "rain salutation"), and we ended up getting rain in our faces every time we stretched up. Now, considering the fact that the surface we stand upon while we are doing these exercises consists of cow dung (yes, and the sun salutation also includes getting down on our tummies and touching our face to the floor) - it won't be too surprising that the teacher ended the lesson (not before we finished some ten or twelve rounds, mind you). What may have been surprising was the reaction we gave - I believe that it may have had something to do with the fact that we've been such peaceful, law-abiding citizens up until now. We went berserk. A few of us started dancing in the rain, the majority ran down the stairs and jumped in the lake, and one crazy lady (yes, you guessed it, of course, yours truly) started screaming with pure joy. Let me remind you once again, that it is a proven and documented fact that there are crocodiles in that lake. I believe that they ran for their dear lives on that particular afternoon. To tell you the truth, it's been two or three days since that rain, and I still haven't really calmed down. I've been dancing in the meditation hall during the afternoon breaks since then, and it doesn't really contribute to the calm, relaxed atmosphere, which is required in order to turn your thoughts inward... Oh well...

There isn't too much to write about today (or maybe my brain is just switched off, short-circuited by the rain). And anyway, it's raining again, and I want to get at the beach before it stops (the beach is no fun at all to me unless it's raining). So I'll be signing off short today. After today, I am not going to get out of the ashram until next Sunday (9 days from now), after which, I will be back in the world of communication.


At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Visted the site and its all very nice but regular update is super.


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